Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Action Alert: "Stop The Gang of Six"

Action Alert: Stop The Gang of Six!

Now is the time to fight for your rights! August 2nd is just days away and Congress must hear our voices. Your representatives are preparing to dismantle The CLASS Act community living services and supports. We must stop them.

The “Gang of Six” is a bipartisan group of senators who have proposed to repeal this important program, which provides seniors and people with disabilities with services that offer them the freedom to live and work in their communities. Currently, there are approximately 12 million Americans who require long-term supports and services. We ask you, our grassroots advocates, to make sure your representatives know there is a human face connected to these proposed budget cuts.

The “Gang of Six” presented an immediate $500 billion “down payment” on the deficit. This would also affect other areas of the healthcare law, including Social Security and Medicare. The plan to cut entitlement funds would be devastating to many of our brothers and sisters in the disability community.

This elimination of CLASS funds does not reduce the deficit. In fact, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) found that over the next ten years, CLASS will reduce federal deficits by $83 billion. This proposed legislation also calls for a “curb on the growth” of Social Security benefits, while our aging population is increasing rapidly each year.

This is a call to action to the NCIL family! Your representatives at the state and federal level must understand the importance of the CLASS Act and Medicaid funding in the lives of persons with disabilities. Your voice and the voices of your family members, friends, co-workers and community are critical.

You Can Make a Difference

Tell your senators and representatives not to support the “Gang of Six” proposals to cut entitlement funds (Medicaid) and repeal The CLASS Act. Both programs provide seniors and persons with disabilities the ability to live and work in their own communities.

Then get your family, friends, co-workers and other community members to call in as well!

Contacting Your Legislators

Online: Find a senator or representative in your state and click on their contact form to submit your letter. In your letter, identify yourself as a constituent and urge your senator / representative: “Please do not support the repeal of The CLASS Act and do not cut Medicaid funds. These cuts would be devastating to my community.”

Phone: Call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your senators’ and / or representative’s office, or use the links above to find their direct phone number.

Once connected, ask to speak with an office aide who handles budget and finance and / or healthcare issues. Give your name and identify yourself as a constituent.

Tell the aide to “Please tell Senator / Representative [NAME] that I do not want [him / her] to support the repeal of The CLASS Act or cuts to Medicaid funding.”

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

DOJ and Enforcement of Integration Mandate in ADA/Olmstead.

Date: Monday, July 11, 2011, 9:36 AM

DOJ and Enforcement of Integration Mandate in ADA/Olmstead. Information Bulletin # 334  (7/2011).In recognition of the 12th anniversary of the Supreme Court's Olmstead decision, the United States Department of Justice issued an extremely important and comprehensive "Statement on Enforcement of the Integration Mandate" of the ADA and Olmstead.This is DOJ's "technical assistance guide." All advocates should download it and use it in your advocacy efforts. Quote it in your briefs in Court. Quote it in your meetings with government officials.  Cite it in your letters to the editor and opinion editorials. This document represents the official position of the highest law enforcement agency in the country. http://www.ada.gov/olmstead/q&a_olmstead.htmThis Information Bulletin is intended only to wet your appetite. Pleaseread the entire document.  We'll summarily quote as much as possible. In theoriginal, there are 18 questions. We've added (arbitrarily) emphases.DOJ stated:  The "goal of the integration mandate to provide individuals with disabilities opportunities to live their lives like individuals without disability has yet to be fully realized. Many people who could and want to live, work and receive services in integrated settings are still waiting for the promise of Olmstead to be fulfilled."1.  What is the most integrated setting?"Integrated settings are those that provide opportunities to live, work, and receive services in the greater community, like individuals without disabilities. Integrated settings are located in mainstream society; offer access to community activities and opportunities at times, frequencies and with persons of an individual's choosing; provide the opportunity to interact with nondisabled persons to the fullest extent possible. Segregated settings include, but are not limited to: congregate settings populated exclusively or primarily with individuals with disabilities."2.  When is the ADA's integration mandate implicated?Anytime a "public entity administers its programs in a manner that results in unjustified segregation" whether by operating segregating programs, or financing them in private facilities, or "funding choices or service implementation practices that promotes or relies upon the segregation in private facilities or programs."3.  What factors are relevant in determining whether an individual does notoppose an integrated setting?"Public entities must take affirmative steps to remedy this history of segregation and prejudice in order to insure that individuals have an opportunity to make an informed choice.  Such steps include providing information about the benefits of integrated settings, facilitating visits in such settings, and offering opportunities to meet with individuals with disabilities living in integrated settings.4.  Does ADA apply to persons at serious risk of segregation?"Yes. People need not wait unit the harm of institutionalization or segregation occurs or is imminent." Persons can show such risk "if a public entity's failure to provide community services or its cut to such services will likely cause a decline in health, safety, or welfare that would lead to the individual's eventual placement in an institution or segregation."5.  May the ADA require a State to provide additional services than are    provided in their Medicaid program?"A state's obligations under the ADA are independent from the requirements of the Medicaid program. The ADA may require states to provide services beyond what a state currently provides under Medicaid."  "Caps do not exempt state from serving additional people in the community by seeking a modification of a waiver to remove the cap."6.  Can budget cuts violate the ADA?"Yes, budgets cuts can violate ADA when significant funding cuts to community services create a risk of institutionalization or segregationb&. In making budget cuts, public entities have a duty to take all reasonable steps to avoid placing individuals at risk of institutionalization or segregation including making exceptions to the service reductions or to provide alternative services to individuals who would be forced into institutions as a result of such cuts."7.  What budgetary resources are relevant?"All money the public entity allots, spends, receives, or could receive if it applied for available federal funding to provide services.  All relevant costs, not simply those funded by the single agency that operates or funds the segregated or integrated settings."8.  What about an Olmstead Plan?It must do more than provide vague assurances of future.  Must contain concrete and reliable commitments to expand integrated opportunities.  Must include commitments for each group of persons who are unnecessarily segregated. Must address the needless segregation of the group at issue in the case.9.  What about budgetary shortages?"Even in times of budgetary constraints, public entities can often reasonably modify their programs by re-allocating funding from expensive segregated settings to cost-effective integrated settings.  Whether the public entity has sought additional federal resources available to support the provision of services in integaated settings, such as Medicaid, MFP and federal housing vouchers.Steve Gold, The Disability Odyssey continuesBack issues of other Information Bulletins are available online athttp://www.stevegoldada.comwith a searchable Archive at this site divided into different subjects.As of August, 2010, Information Bulletins will also be posted on my bloglocated at http://stevegoldada.blogspot.com/To contact Steve Gold directly, write to stevegoldada@cs.com or call215-627-7100

A Practical Guide for People w Disabilities Who Want to Got to College


Special Announcements from the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion of Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities! 
 A New Resource from the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion:
A Practical Guide for People with Disabilities who Want to go to College
This new publication provides a practical guide to help people with disabilities who want to return to college - to community colleges or career institutes, or for four-year degrees or graduate education. The publication provides an overview of the challenges and supports needed in four areas: finding the right school, locating supports at your school, managing your disability and your education, and using your new educational qualifications in the search for a better job. Among the issues reviewed: assessing your own interests and skills, funding your education, disclosing your disability, and locating supports and services to succeed at school. The guide can be used both by consumers to get a better sense of how to improve their educations and by rehabilitation and case management personnel to structure their discussions with motivated consumers. In addition, the guide provides references to a wealth of additional print publications and online resources that explore each topic in greater detail.
The guide is available at the website of the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion of Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities (www.tucollaborative.org) or can be downloaded:http://tucollaborative.org/pdfs/education/College_Guide.pdf 


Fall 2011 Legislative Advocacy Trainings Announcement

Legislative Advocacy Trainings Announcement

Please click here to see a flyer announcing our 2011 Fall Advocacy Trainings.
The Essentials of Legislative Advocacy is scheduled for Wednesday, October 5th and 12th from 8:30-3:00 at the Legislative Office Building, 300 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT  06106.  There will be a tour of the Capitol and LOB as well as a box lunch.  A Spanish interpreter will be present for this class.  Please click here for an Essentials registration form.
Legislative Leadership Training will be held on Thursday, December 1st and 8th from 8:30 - 3:00 at the Legislative Office Building, 300 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT  06106.  Lunch will be provided.  Please click here for a Leadership registration form.
The fee for each two-day training is $20 (Total cost of $40 to attend both the Essentials and Leadership trainings).  Scholarships as well as transportation and family care reimbursement is available with preapproval (as funding permits).  We don't want cost to be a barrier for anyone who would like to attend.
Please contact Maura or Cheri at 1-800-215-3021 or 860-882-0236 or by email at ktpassistant@namict.org or keepthepromise@namict.org with any questions.
We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

BESB Merger into the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services effective July 1, 2011

Subject: BESB Merger into the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services effective July 1, 2011


On June 13, 2011 Governor Malloy signed Public Act 11-44 “An Act Concerning the Bureau of Rehabilitative Services and Implementation of Provisions of the Budget Concerning Human Services and Public Health”.  Through this legislation there is created a Bureau of Rehabilitative Services within the Department of Social Services for administrative purposes only.  This new Bureau will be created through the merger of the following agencies:

The Bureau of Rehabilitation Services of the Department of Social Services,

The Board of Education and Services for the Blind ( BESB ), and

The Commission on the Deaf and Hearing Impaired (CDHI).


In addition, to the merger of the identified agencies, the following programs are also included in the merger:

The Department of Motor Vehicles' (DMV) driver training program for individuals with disabilities; and

The Workers’ Rehabilitation Services (WRS) program of the Worker's Compensation Commission. 


The transfer of the agencies and programs into the new BRS is effective July 1, 2011.


As a service provider for one of the agencies or programs to be merged into the new BRS, please be advised that although the effective date of the merger is July 1, 2011, current operations and services will remain in effect until otherwise notified.  As described in the Public Act, while agencies and programs will be merged, the intent of the merger is to continue to provide services in accordance with the provisions of the general statutes.  For now, operations and services should remain in place unless you are specifically notified otherwise.     




Brian Sigman

BESB Acting Executive Director





Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Discussion with Author Randye Kaye

Fellowship Place is hosting:

The 8th Annual Dr. Albert J. Solnit Memorial Lecture:

A Discussion with Author Randye Kaye

Thursday, June 9th - 7:00 to 9:30 PM.

Whitney Humanities Center, New Haven, CT.

Join us for a conversation with Author Randye Kaye, based on her book:

Ben Behind His Voices: One Family's Journey from the Chaos of schizophrenia to Hope

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

CDAC February - March 2011 Bulletin

Need help with Income Tax Prep?

Disability Advocacy in Bridgeport

New ADA regulations

plus much more...

We post the bulletin to our website in a variety of formats. For your convenience, the latest CDAC bulletin is attached in PDF format, but if your mail system removed or altered the attachment in any way, you can always access it on our website at: http://www.ct-dac.org/bulletin.htm in a variety of different formats. NOTE: AOL customers will need to access the file from the website as AOL is making the PDF attachment invalid and you will NOT be able to access it. 

PLEASE NOTE: Let us know if you have any problems accessing our information by sending your comments to us at announce@ct-dac.org.  Please specify what problems you encountered and if you have any suggestions to help improve our communication.


CCADV 2011 Spring Newsletter


   CCADV's td411.org website and APP

CCADV will be releasing its teen dating website and APP for the iphone and android phone within the  next month. The APP is the first of its kind in the country, and will include the following sections:


* Ur relationship & u - Relationship Quiz, Why does it happen?, Readin' the signs, and Technology & u.


* Helpin' u out - Know ur rights, Takin' the next steps, & self care.


* Do ur part - Speak up, Get involved, & Find out more!


* Interactive/Fun - Videos, Music, and Stories!


The micro website - td411.org - that accompanies the app is being reviewed by local high school students for their feedback. "We want to make sure the teens find the APP/website useful, so they can either use it for themselves or refer it to a friend. If anyone asks about teen dating relationships,  the response now is 'there's an App for that.'" - Macklin Xu


The APP will have a soft launch on March 31and be released on April 15th. td411.org will also be available on March 31. Look for the APP downloadable on www.ctcadv.org, our Facebook fan page, and Twitter account!

Capitol News


Guided by our mission of changing the social conditions that perpetuate violence, CCADV works closely with our membership, state advocacy groups, and legislators to draft legislation and to organize for policy change.   Each year, we develop a domestic violence legislative agenda to present to our elected officials for their support.  


CCADV continues to work with the Speaker's Task Force Against Domestic Violence to implement reforms to Connecticut's domestic violence laws.   Among this year's  recommendations from the Task Force are changes to insure that when defendants in criminal cases are required to surrender their weapons, they must be given to someone residing outside their home; to train judicial staff who cover docket courts and for judges covering temporary restraining order hearings; and to make victims of domestic violence eligible for restitution.  


Representative Mae Flexer, Chair of the Speaker's Task Force on Domestic Violence presents the Task Force recommendations.  


The Speakers Task Force presented their full set of recommendations on March 28, 2011. CCADV is in support of their recommendations and has chosen three issues to focus on this session:


1.     Domestic violence funding: 

CCADV is recommending that the General Assembly support the Governor's budget proposal for domestic violence funding.  Governor  Malloy's budget holds funds steady based upon last year's allocation.


2.     Bail/Bond of domestic violence offenders:

CCADV is recommending that when bail/bond is set in domestic violence cases, 1) no bail bond be set without charging the premium rate as approved by the Insurance Commissioner and 2) a 35% down payment must be made when the offender is entering into a payment plan with a surety bail bond agent.


When offenders are able bail/bond out by paying less than the premium rate to a bail bond agent or by providing no down payment in a payment plan arrangement, victims are left with a false sense of security because they are led to believe that the offender would be incarcerated.   


3.     Teen Dating Protocols for Schools:

CCADV is recommending the amendment of the definition of bullying (CGS 10-222d) to include teen dating violence. If teen dating violence is included in the definition of bullying, CCADV can work with school systems to  develop  policies and procedures to address  teen dating violence which will include provisions on reporting, investigation, notification, and intervention. The policies can also include provisions for addressing teen dating violence outside of the school setting if it has a direct and negative impact on a student's academic performance or safety in school.

Let's Prevent Domestic Violence Before It Happens  

Last year, CCADV began the process of rethinking our reasons for  being. Acknowledging that even though we have improved services for survivors, we have not been able to stop intimate partner violence from occurring. 


CCADV believes that if we want a society free of domestic violence, we need to prevent it before it happens. After long hours of discussion, changes were made to our mission and vision and consequently a primary prevention component was included in our strategic plan for the next five years.  


We believe that to end intimate partner violence we need to go beyond intervening to change individual behaviors. We must focus on building communities that promote healthy relationships, equality and respect for our children and grandchildren. We need to begin working to change those social beliefs and practices that condone domestic violence now.


We have engaged with the Center of Disease Control (CDC) through the DELTA PREP project,. DELTA PREP seeks to increase the coalition's capacity to prevent intimate partner violence. Through the participation in DELTA PREP, all staff at CCADV have been trained in primary prevention. We have also engaged the community educators of our member programs and started to increase their capacity by providing them with intensive training on primary preventive.  In the next six months, CCADV and its members will increase their understanding of community organizing, anti-oppression work, project planning and evaluation among other issues to develop a strong and sustainable primary prevention initiative. We have just started and we know that this path is going to be long and challenging but essential if we really want to eliminate domestic violence.   

National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month Press Conference


The Stamford Government Center was filled on February 8, 2011 with more than 200 students, elected officials, organizations/non profits and supporters for the National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month Press Conference. In the audience, high school students from Stamford, Greenwich, and Brien McMahon held up signs and banners to show their support in ending teen dating violence. Elected officials present included Michael Pavia, the mayor of Stamford, Richard Moccia , the mayor of Norwalk, Peter Tesei, the first selectman of Greenwich and State Representative Gerald Fox.  Kiley Young of the Office of the Child Advocate, Karen Brown of the Fairfield County Community Foundation, and Stamford police were also there.


The goal of the event was to raise public awareness and further establish a social change campaign. "We need a chorus of voices to create change [...] with a future free of abuse," said Lindsay Swatland, Mayor Youth Leadership Council and keynote presenter. "Teen dating violence is after all a persistent issue that affects everyone in the United States."



  • 10% teens surveyed were in a physical abusive dating relationship last year
  • 1 in 3 teens report knowing a friend or peer who has been physically hurt by their partner
  • 65% teens report that a partner checked up on him/her 10-30 times per day via phone
  • 35% young women who report partner violence also report coercion or birth control sabotage


In Connecticut:

  • 10% teens surveyed were in a physically abusive dating relationship last year
  • 17% teens were in an emotionally/verbally abusive dating relationship last year
  • 74% teens surveyed in Fairfield County believe verbal abuse is a serious issue among their peers who are in a dating relationship


 "It's not a cliché. Violence in any form is not acceptable. [Everyone should be] united to stop all forms of violence" - Mayor Richard Moccia.


Volume 11 Issue 1
In This Issue
Capitol News
Primary Prevention Initiative
National TDV Conference
Get the Tax Credits You Deserve
Upcoming Events

   Got free time and want to do some good? Consider volunteering! Have an extra car taking up precious garage space? Lend it to Cars4Causes!


You've Been Working Hard - Now Get the Tax Credits You Deserve!


Families in Connecticut: Whether or not you owe income tax, you could get thousands of dollars in tax credits. You could qualify for:


Up to $2,100 



Up to $5,666



Up to $1,000  

per child from the federal Child Tax Credit.


Up to $800  from the Making Work Pay Credit, if you haven't already received it in your take-home pay.

More families than ever are eligible for these credits this year. To get these credits, you must file a tax return.


Find out where you can get FREE help with your taxes by calling the IRS toll-free at (800) TAX-1040 or (800) 829-1040.

National Women's Law Center Tax Credits Outreach Campaign, 2011 Tax Filing Season


The Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) is working to create a Connecticut where domestic violence no longer exists. If you share this vision, please consider making a donation to CCADV.  Your support will help us continue our efforts to raise awareness about this pervasive problem and provide resources to domestic violence advocates across your community. 
Make a tax deductible contribution to CCADV by check to:
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence
90 Pitkin Street
East Hartford, CT 06108

Upcoming Events


March 9 - April 2: Uplifting Art: A community art show  

  Reception for the Women's    Center  of SE CT 

March 23  


       190 State Street 

          New London 


           March 19

         Bowl-a -Thon

Brought to you by the Women's Center in SE CT

1:00-5:00 pm  

Holiday Bowl, Groton



March 31
td411.org goes online

April 9

Domestic Violence Workshop

Hartford First Church  

of the Nazarene

932 Capital Avenue 

 Hartford, CT 06106

9:00 am-12:00 pm   

For more info contact Kai_Kai71@hotmail.com  

April 10 

"Parenting in the Age of Tiger Mom"

Hartford Public Library  

500 Main Street


2:00-4:00 pm

For more info: sneha@sneha.org

April 21

An Evening of  

Hope & Healing  

 Waterbury UCONN Campus Room 113-116


For more info contact 203-753-3613


May 6  9th Annual
'Shelter from the Storm'

Matrix Corporate Center
39 Old Ridgebury Road


6:00 - 10:00 pm

Purchase tickets or donate by calling (203) 731-5200

May 12

2nd Annual  

Light the Way Breakfast

Mystic Hilton


Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV)
90 Pitkin Street
East Hartford, CT 06108 
(860) 282-7899

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

National Work Incentive Seminar Event (WISE)

If you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) there are free services that can you prepare for, find and keep employment. Register for this National Work Incentive Seminar Event (WISE) webinar for young adults ages 18-24, which will take place on March 23, 2011 from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. (EDT). The webinar will present information about the Ticket to Work program, the Student Earned Income Exclusion and other work incentives. WISE events are also being held around the country. Find a seminar near you.

For more information visit https://www.disability.gov/benefits/working_while_receiving_benefits/help_going_back_to_work.

FCC Launches Online Survey to Learn About Emergency Calling by Individuals with Disabilities - Deadline April 24

Disability.gov Accessibility Update:

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has launched an online national survey (also in Spanish) of individuals with disabilities to determine the most effective and efficient technologies and ways to access emergency services. The survey asks questions to help figure out the best ways for Americans with disabilities to call and get help from 9-1-1 services. Comment deadline is April 24, 2011.

For more information visit https://www.disability.gov/technology/accessible_technology.

Parents & Teachers as Allies Program, We need more Panelists!!!

Parents and Teachers as Allies responds to the recommendation included in Goal 4 of President Bush's New Freedom Commission Report on Mental Health that calls for schools to play a larger role in the early identification of mental disorders in children and linking them to appropriate services.

Goal: To help mainstream school teachers better understand the early warning signs of mental health treatment needs in children and adolescents and how best to intervene so that youth with treatment needs are linked with services.


* Willing to deliver a two-hour in-service presentation for school professionals as a member of a team of volunteer presenters who share their experiences:

•An education professional ( preferably a teacher who has a child with behavioral health issues)

•A facilitator ( an experienced Family to Family OR NAMI-Basics Teacher)

•The parent of a child or adolescent living with a mentall illness

•A person who struggled with mental illness as a young person

Training will take place on Saturday, May 07th 2011 at:

Connecticut Valley Hospital, Room # 207
P.O. Box 351, Silver Street
Middletown, CT 06451

A continental breakfast and luch will be provided.

From 8:30 am to 4:00 pm

PRE-registration is required

For more information contact:

Paloma B Dee
Program Manager at

Monday, March 21, 2011

"Next to Normal" NAMI-CT Benefit the The Bushnell

"Next to Normal"
Benefit the The Bushnell

For more information, contact, NAMI-CT at 860-882-0236

Next to Normal is a rock musical with book and lyrics by Brian Yorkey and music by Tom Kitt.

Its story concerns a mother who struggles with worsening bipolar disorder and the effect that her illness has on her family. The musical also addresses such issues as grieving a loss, suicide, drug abuse, ethics in modern psychiatry, and suburban life. Next to Normal received
several workshop performances before it debuted off-Broadway in 2008, winning the Outer Critics' Circle Award for Outstanding Score and receiving nominations for Drama Desk Awards for Outstanding Actress (Alice Ripley) and Outstanding Score.

After an Off-Broadway run, the show then played at the Arena Stage in its temporary venue in Arlington, Virginia from November 2008 to January 2009. The musical opened on Broadway in April 2009. It was nominated for eleven 2009 Tony Awards and won three, Best Original Score,
Best Orchestration and Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Musical for Alice Ripley. It also won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, becoming just the eighth musical in history to receive the honor. In awarding the prize to Kitt and Yorkey, the Pulitzer Board called the show "a powerful rock musical that grapples with mental illness in a suburban family and
expands the scope of subject matter for musicals."

The Broadway production closed on January 16, 2011 after 21 previews and 733 regular performances.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Disability.gov Blog Update: My Name Is Evan, Call Me by It

Subject: Disability.gov Blog Update: My Name Is Evan, Call Me by It

By Guest Blogger Evan Heller, Senior at Attleboro High School_
Who am I? Easy – my name is Evan, that's who I am and that's what I'm
called. And yet, for some of my friends, there are still people who
would identify them by saying, "Oh, him? He's a "special needs"
kid, "a SPED," – a "retard."

Why are some of my best friends, people who just happen to have intellectual disabilities, identified not by their names, but by their
disability? Is it out of ignorance? Is it because people feel some
unwarranted and overwhelming desire to label others? Or is the sad
truth that these friends of mine are not called by name, because their names
are not known?

Out of ignorance or out of fear, many people do not get to know
individuals with intellectual disabilities as anything more than just a
label. People need to start taking the initiative to do something as
simple as merely talking to someone with an intellectual disability;
getting to know them as more than a diagnosis, and maybe, as a


Questions about the subscription service?


| |

GovDelivery, Inc. sending on behalf of Disability.gov · U.S.
Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy · 200
Constitution Avenue, NW · Washington DC 20210 · 1-800-439-1420

Jennifer J. Gross
Deputy Director
Eastern Regional Mental Health Board
401 W. Thames Street
Campbell Building, Unit 105
Norwich, CT 06360
phone: 860.886.0030
fax: 860.886.4014

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fwd: Fw: Town Hall Meetings/State Budget

Governor Malloy is proposing a budget that largely protects both the
children and adult mental health systems, invests in supportive
housing, expands the mental health waiver to divert and discharge people with
mental illnesses from nursing homes, invests in jail diversion and
re-entry programs, moves forward with the raise the age initiative, and
extends coverage for smoking cessation to all Medicaid recipients

February 21, 7-8 PM
City Hall Annex Auditorium
999 Broad Street

February 24, 7-8 PM
City Hall Auditorium
140 Main Street

March 2, 7-8 PM
Jennings Elementary School
50 Mercer Street

March 8, 7-8 PM
Veteran's Memorial Hall
235 Grand Street

March 9, 7-8 PM
City Hall, 3rd Floor
100 Broadway

March 14, 7-8 PM
City Council Chambers
111 North Main Street

March 15
Time & Location TBD

March 16, 7-8 PM
Common Council Room
245 DeKoven Drive

March 21
Time & Location TBD

March 22, 7-8 PM
Government Center
4th Floor Cafeteria
888 Washington Boulevard

March 23, 7-8 PM
Aldermanic Chambers
165 Church Street

March 28, 7-8 PM
Town Hall Meeting Room
101 Field Point Road

March 29, 7-8 PM
Lincoln Center Hearing Room
494 Main Street

March 30, 7-8 PM
Town Hall Auditorium
979 Main Street

April 4
Time & Location TBD

April 5
Time & Location TBD

April 6
Time & Location TBD

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

State Budget Action Alert!

State Budget Action Alert!

Governor Malloy is proposing a budget that largely protects both the children and adult mental health systems, invests in supportive housing, expands the mental health waiver to divert and discharge people with mental illnesses from nursing homes, invests in jail diversion and re-entry programs, moves forward with the raise the age initiative, and extends coverage for smoking cessation to all Medicaid recipients.

We must show the Governor and the Legislature that we support this balanced approach and long term vision! Please call or write the Governor and your state senator and state representative and tell them that you strongly support the fact that the proposed budget finally focuses on cost-effective, prevention and community care vs. costly, institutional and emergency care. We also urge you to testify at the upcoming budget hearings or attend a town hall – details are provided below.

There are regressive proposals in this budget as well, such as Medicaid co-pays, which Keep the Promise Coalition opposes as bad public policy that will restrict access to treatment and medications for people on Medicare and Medicaid. We will work with the Administration and Legislature over the coming months to advocate against these policies that are proven to limit access to care and push people into more intensive and expensive services. Multiple studies have shown that attempts to cut costs at the pharmacy level will reduce appropriate care, adversely affect health status, and cause shifts to more costly types of care. We must make this very clear!

Overall, the proposed budget asks for $1.5 billion in taxes, $1 billion in concessions from state employees, and $758 million in spending reductions.

To contact the Governor: Call (800) 406-1527; (860) 566-4840 or email: http://www.governor.ct.gov/malloy/site/default.asp

To contact your State Representative and State Senator, go to: http://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/CGAFindLeg.asp

The highlights and lowlights of the Governor’s proposed budget are as follows:



The development of 150 new units of supportive housing across the state!

•$30 million in the first year for bonds for permanent supportive housing, to create 150 new supportive units.
•$1.1 million in supportive services through the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.
•$1.5 million in new rental assistance subsidies through the Department of Social Services.
The Governor’s budget introduction states, “Residents of supportive housing have become contributing members of their communities, their use of expensive emergency services has been significantly reduced, and once‐blighted buildings have been rehabilitated, creating newly vibrant neighborhoods.”

Overall, the proposed budget funds $130 million for supportive and affordable housing development and rehabilitation projects!

Community Mental Health System

•Avoids major service reductions
•Supports expansion of community care through Money Follows the Person (MFP) and the DMHAS Medicaid Waiver for diversion and discharge from nursing homes.
•Funds caseload growth in Young Adult Services in DMHAS
•Continues support for the Raise the Age Initiative – 17 yr olds move to juvenile system as of July 1, 2012; 60 additional beds over the biennium; additional community services to support the continuum of care.

•Extends tobacco cessation coverage to all Medicaid recipients effective January 1, 2012

•Imposes $3 co-payments on most Medicaid services, however:

ü co-payments would not apply to hospital in-patient, emergency room services, home health, laboratory or transportation

ü co-pays would be capped at 5% of the involved family’s income

ü co-pays for prescription drugs would be capped at a maximum of $20 per month

ü a number of groups would be exempt from co-pays (this includes recipients of SSI, women who are receiving treatment for breast and/or cervical cancer and individuals who reside in institutional settings)

•Increases co-pays for people on Medicare Part D (in 2011, these range from $1.10 to $6.30 per prescription), with the result that dually-eligible individuals will be expected to pay up to $25 per month in co-payments (an increase from the current co-payment of $15)

•Reduces State Supplement benefits for those who are “Aged, Blind, or Disabled” by any federal Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increase in an individual's Social Security benefit

Please note that this is not a complete summary of the budget. A more detailed legislative update including primary bills of interest will be forthcoming.

Please call KTP or NAMI-CT staff to sign up to testify/or with any questions you might have:

Call Cheri or Maura (KTP) or Alicia or Tom (NAMI-CT): (800) 215-3021; (860) 882-0236

Or email them at:

Cheri keepthepromise@namict.org

Maura ktpassistant@namict.org

Alicia publicpolicy@namict.org

Tom policystaff@namict.org

State Appropriations Budget Hearings Schedule

Wednesday, March 2

Health and Hospitals (Room 2D)

11:30-12:30 PM Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Public Hearing (Room 2C) 3:00 PM

Friday, March 4

Human Services (Room 2D)

11:00-12:30 PM Department of Children and Families

1:30-3:00 PM Department of Social Services

Public Hearing (Room 2C) 5:00 PM

Governor Malloy will be visiting 17 town halls across the State. The scheduled visits are posted below. Please try to attend forums close to your office or home and ask questions pertaining to your legislative priorities that you feel are most important.

February 21, 7-8 PM
City Hall Annex Auditorium
999 Broad Street

February 24, 7-8 PM
City Hall Auditorium
140 Main Street

March 2, 7-8 PM
Jennings Elementary School
50 Mercer Street

March 8, 7-8 PM
Veteran’s Memorial Hall
235 Grand Street

March 9, 7-8 PM
City Hall, 3rd Floor
100 Broadway

March 14, 7-8 PM
City Council Chambers
111 North Main Street

March 15
Time & Location TBD

March 16, 7-8 PM
Common Council Room
245 DeKoven Drive

March 21
Time & Location TBD

March 22, 7-8 PM
Government Center
4th Floor Cafeteria
888 Washington Boulevard

March 23, 7-8 PM
Aldermanic Chambers
165 Church Street

March 28, 7-8 PM
Town Hall Meeting Room
101 Field Point Road

March 29, 7-8 PM
Lincoln Center Hearing Room
494 Main Street

March 30, 7-8 PM
Town Hall Auditorium
979 Main Street

April 4
Time & Location TBD

April 5
Time & Location TBD

April 6
Time & Location TBD

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Weekly Advocacy Monitor: Volume 9, Issue 6; February 9, 2011

NCIL: Celebrating 25 Years of Independent Living
National Council on Independent Living
Weekly Advocacy Monitor
Volume 9, Issue 6; February 9, 2011

1) What's Happening in the Nation's Capital?
-Chairman Rogers Announces Spending Cut Levels for FY 2011

2) National News
-Continuing Resolution Spending Cuts to Go Deep
-Federal Judicial Vacancies Reaching Crisis Point

3) State News
-Chicago Mayoral Election to Impact City's Disability Community
-Judge Rules Pennsylvania is Violating ADA for Failure to Provide Equal Access to Transition Services

4) Announcements and Additional Resources
-2011 AoA, CMS, and VA National Grantee Meeting
-Fall 2011 White House Internship
-SHIFT: An International Juried Exhibition for Artists with Disabilities
-New CLASS Resources from AARP

1) What's Happening in the Nation's Capital?

Chairman Rogers Announces Spending Cut Levels for FY 2011
After the Budget Committee released the details for the FY 2011 Continuing Resolution (which expires March 4, 2011), House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers announced the level of spending cuts the 12 Appropriations Subcommittees will try to achieve. By cuts in virtually every area of the federal government and reducing spending from the President's fiscal year 2011, a total of $74 billion will be saved.
Chairman Rogers said, "To accomplish this goal, I am instructing each of the twelve Appropriations subcommittees to produce specific, substantive and comprehensive spending cuts. We are going go line by line to weed out and eliminate unnecessary, wasteful, or excess spending – and produce legislation that will represent the largest series of spending reductions in the history of Congress. These cuts will not be easy, they will be broad and deep, they will affect every Congressional district, but they are necessary and long overdue. "
The following chart identifies the spending levels and cuts (Word document) ( http://republicans.appropriations.house.gov/_files/2311SubcommitteeAllocationsforFY11ContinuingResolution302bs.doc ), but is not specific as to which important services to people with disabilities are being cut. Get more details on this breaking story below!

2) National News

Continuing Resolution Spending Cuts to Go Deep
Source: House Committee on Appropriations ( http://appropriations.house.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=PressReleases.Detail&PressRelease_id=259 )
House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers today announced a partial list of 70 spending cuts that will be included in an upcoming Continuing Resolution (CR) bill. The CR legislation will fund the federal government for the seven months remaining in the fiscal year and prevent a government wide shut-down, while significantly reducing the massive increases in discretionary spending enacted in the last several years by a Democrat majority. A full list of program cuts will be released when the bill is formally introduced.
The total spending cuts in the CR will exceed $74 billion, including $58 billion in non-security discretionary spending reductions. The statement by Chairman Rogers on these cuts follows:
"Never before has Congress undertaken a task of this magnitude. The cuts in this CR will represent the largest reduction in discretionary spending in the history of our nation.
"While making these cuts is hard, we have a unique opportunity to right our fiscal ship and begin to reduce our massive deficits and debt. We have taken a wire brush to the discretionary budget and scoured every program to find real savings that are responsible and justifiable to the American people.
"Make no mistake, these cuts are not low-hanging fruit. These cuts are real and will impact every District across the country - including my own. As I have often said, every dollar we cut has a constituency, an industry, an association, and individual citizens who will disagree with us. But with this CR, we will respond to the millions of Americans who have called on this Congress to rein in spending to help our economy grow and our businesses create jobs."
The List of 70 Spending Cuts to be Included in the CR follows:
-Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies -$30M
-Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy -$899M
-Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability -$49M
-Nuclear Energy -$169M
-Fossil Energy Research -$31M
-Clean Coal Technology -$18M
-Strategic Petroleum Reserve -$15M
-Energy Information Administration -$34M
-Office of Science -$1.1B
-Power Marketing Administrations -$52M
-Department of Treasury -$268M
-Internal Revenue Service -$593M
-Treasury Forfeiture Fund -$338M
-GSA Federal Buildings Fund -$1.7B
-ONDCP -$69M
-International Trade Administration -$93M
-Economic Development Assistance -$16M
-Minority Business Development Agency -$2M
-National Institute of Standards and Technology -$186M
-NOAA -$336M
-National Drug Intelligence Center -$11M
-Law Enforcement Wireless Communications -$52M
-US Marshals Service -$10M
-FBI -$74M
-State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance -$256M
-Juvenile Justice -$2.3M
-COPS -$600M
-NASA -$379M
-NSF -$139M
-Legal Services Corporation -$75M
-EPA -$1.6B
-Food Safety and Inspection Services -$53M
-Farm Service Agency -$201M
-Agriculture Research -$246M
-Natural Resource Conservation Service -$46M
-Rural Development Programs -$237M
-WIC -$758M
-International Food Aid grants -$544M
-FDA -$220M
-Land and Water Conservation Fund -$348M
-National Archives and Record Service -$20M
-DOE Loan Guarantee Authority -$1.4B
-EPA GHG Reporting Registry -$9M
-USGS -$27M
-EPA Cap and Trade Technical Assistance -$5M
-EPA State and Local Air Quality Management -$25M
-Fish and Wildlife Service -$72M
-Smithsonian -$7.3M
-National Park Service -$51M
-Clean Water State Revolving Fund -$700M
-Drinking Water State Revolving Fund -$250M
-EPA Brownfields -$48M
-Forest Service -$38M
-National Endowment for the Arts -$6M
-National Endowment for the Humanities -$6M
-Job Training Programs -$2B
-Community Health Centers -$1.3B
-Maternal and Child Health Block Grants -$210M
-Family Planning -$327M
-Poison Control Centers -$27M
-CDC -$755M
-NIH -$1B
-Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services -$96M
-LIHEAP Contingency fund -$400M
-Community Services Block Grant -$405M
-High Speed Rail -$1B
-FAA Next Gen -$234M
-Amtrak -$224M
-HUD Community Development Fund -$530M
(All reductions are compared to the President's fiscal year 2011 request)

Federal Judicial Vacancies Reaching Crisis Point
Source: Washington Post, by Jerry Markon and Shailagh Murray
Federal judges have been retiring at a rate of one per week this year, driving up vacancies that have nearly doubled since President Obama took office. The departures are increasing workloads dramatically and delaying trials in some of the nation's federal courts.
The crisis is most acute along the southwestern border, where immigration and drug cases have overwhelmed court officials. Arizona recently declared a judicial emergency, extending the deadline to put defendants on trial. The three judges in Tucson, the site of last month's shooting rampage, are handling about 1,200 criminal cases apiece. "It's a dire situation," said Roslyn O. Silver, the state's chief judge.
In central Illinois, three of the four judgeships remain vacant after two of Obama's nominees did not get a vote on the Senate floor. Chief Judge Michael McCuskey said he is commuting 90 miles between Urbana and Springfield and relying on two 81-year-old "senior" judges to fill the gap. "I had a heart attack six years ago, and my cardiologist told me recently, 'You need to reduce your stress,' '' he said. "I told him only the U.S. Senate can reduce my stress.''
Since Obama took office, federal judicial vacancies have risen steadily as dozens of judges have left without being replaced by the president's nominees. Experts blame Republican delaying tactics, slow White House nominations and a dysfunctional Senate confirmation system. Six judges have retired in the past six weeks alone.
Senate Republicans and the White House are vowing to work together to set aside the divisions that have slowed confirmations, and the Senate on Monday approved Obama nominees for judgeships in Arkansas, Oregon and Texas. Eight more nominees are expected to receive votes in the coming weeks. Read More ( http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/07/AR2011020706034.html ).

3) State News

Chicago Mayoral Election to Impact City's Disability Community
Source: ABC7 / WLS-TV
The mayoral election is just a few weeks away. While candidates are reaching out to different groups about their issues, voters with disabilities are also concerned about their future. People with disabilities make up about 20 percent of Chicago's population. Many hope the next mayor goes beyond what Mayor Daley accomplished.
"I think Mayor Daley did a great job because he came up with several programs, and so we hope that the next mayor that comes in doesn't cut out the programs of people with disabilities," said William Owens Jr.
"I think the best thing that the mayor has done in the past 23 years is provide leadership for people with disabilities in the form of saying that access is a priority," said Amber Smock.
"I think the biggest accomplishment is probably the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities because it's like a central location where you can get plenty of information on different services available," said Candace Coleman.
"When he first came into office was just at the time when the ADA was passed, and even then he recognized the importance of it," said Gary Arnold. Owens, Smock, Coleman and Arnold are Chicago residents with disabilities who will be voting in the upcoming mayoral election. Most of them work or volunteer at Chicago's Access Living.
Although Mayor Daley accomplished a lot, they know there's more to be done. "The next mayor is also going to have to take leadership enforcing disability access in the private sector," said Smock. "That means people can build homes, people who have grocery stores, people who do anything that supports the infrastructure of community living in the City of Chicago." Read More ( http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news/politics&id=7939944 ).

Judge Rules Pennsylvania is Violating ADA for Failure to Provide Equal Access to Transition Services
Source: PennLive.com
A federal judge has handed the new Corbett administration a fresh problem by ruling that the state is violating the Americans with Disabilities Act in dealing with some clients [with mental disabilities].
Judge John E. Jones III found the Department of Public Welfare is breaching federal law because it has no effective means to integrate clients of its intermediate care facilities back into community-based programs. The decision has a statewide impact.
It was prompted by a class-action lawsuit filed in U.S. Middle District Court in 2009 on behalf of five institutionalized clients, one of whom has been in a state-run facility at Ebensburg for 45 years.
The Disability Rights Network of PA, which represents the clients, argued that they are capable of living in the community if given proper state support services. The lives of all five would in fact be better if that happened, network officials argued.
DPW spokesman Mike Race had no comment on Jones' ruling Friday because agency lawyers are still reviewing it. Robert W. Meek, managing attorney in the nonprofit Disability Rights Network's Philadelphia office, said the challenge now is to alter the way the state deals with such clients.
Jones didn't specify how the state should change its system. He scheduled a conference call with the parties for Monday to begin to address that. Jones found that a community integration plan DPW developed in 2010, a year after the class action suit was filed, is "inadequate." Read More ( http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2011/02/judge_rules_pennsylvania_is_vi.html ).

4) Announcements and Additional Resources

2011 AoA, CMS, and VA National Grantee Meeting
February 14-17, 2011
The Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel - Baltimore, Maryland
The 2011 AoA, CMS, VA National Grantee Meeting will be held Monday, February 14 to Thursday, February 17 in Baltimore, Maryland. This meeting will focus on ADRC programs, the new Options Counseling, Care Transitions, and Money Follows the Person/ADRC coordination grant programs, CLP/VD-HCBS programs, and other LTSS systems change efforts and opportunities.
This year NCIL is proud to present two workshops and one training focused on Centers for Independent Living, their philosophy and partnerships.
Monday February 14th Louis Frick from CA, Eileen Healy from CT and Peggy Cosner from TX will repeat NCIL's Jan. 19th webinar Creating Successful Aging and Disability Partnerships. Kelly Buckland, Executive Director of the National Council on Independent Living and Billy Altom, Executive Director of the Association on Programs for Rural Independent Living will present Putting the D in ADRC, on Tuesday February 15th Eileen Healy, Louis Frick and Jeff Hughes from OK (tentative) will present with their aging partners Best Practices in Aging and Disability Partnerships. Wednesday February 16th Henry Claypool, Director of the Dept. of Health and Human Service's Office on Disability will moderate a panel of federal disability agencies, including RSA, that will discuss strengthening ADRC partnerships.

Fall 2011 White House Internship
The application for the White House Internship Program's fall 2011 session has been posted. Please take the time to think of five future young leaders you believe would serve as great White House Interns, and personally encourage them to apply. Below is more information that might be helpful to prospective White House Interns:
-Visit the White House Internship website ( http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/internships/ )
-Apply to the White House Internship program ( http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/internships/apply/ )
-Learn more about the selection process ( http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/internships/selection/ )
Send this flyer today to interested applicants, or contacts who may know interested applicants. A White House Internship provides a unique opportunity to gain valuable professional experience and build leadership skills. This hands-on program is designed to mentor and cultivate today's young leaders, strengthen their understanding of the Executive Office of the President and prepare them for future public service opportunities.
Please encourage all eligible young leaders to take advantage of this incredible opportunity! The deadline to apply is March 13, 2011. We greatly appreciate your support in this effort.
The White House Internship Team

SHIFT: An International Juried Exhibition for Artists with Disabilities
VSA, the international organization on arts and disability, announces a call for art for artists ages 18 and older who have a physical, cognitive, or mental disability. Artists are invited to submit up to four artworks of any media that address the theme of Shift – an investigation of a moment of change in one's life that alters the direction of a person's path.
-For more info: www.vsarts.org/shift
submit artwork: www.callforentry.org
-Deadline for submissions: March 11, 2011
-Selected artists will be notified by April 29, 2011.
Selected artwork will be exhibited at the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington DC in June 2011.

New CLASS Resources from AARP

AARP recently released an informative video and talking points about the CLASS Act. Check them out at: http://www.aarp.org/health/health-care-reform/info-01-2011/The_CLASS_Act.html.

Contact the Editor: Eleanor@ncil.org

To advertise in the Weekly Advocacy Monitor, contact the Editor.Please forward and post. Note especially possible federal budget cuts,;
AoA,CMS,VA National Grantee Meeting- Eileen Healy, INW CIL presenting
re: ADRCs. Cathy

--- On wrote:

From: NCIL
Subject: Weekly Advocacy Monitor: Volume 9, Issue 6; February 9, 2011
To: "NCIL"
Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2011, 4:07 PM

National Council on Independent Living

Volume 9, Issue 6 February 9, 2011

In This Issue:

1) What's Happening in the Nation's Capital?

Chairman Rogers Announces Spending Cut Levels for FY 2011

2) National News

Continuing Resolution Spending Cuts to Go Deep

Federal Judicial Vacancies Reaching Crisis Point

3) State News

Chicago Mayoral Election to Impact City 's Disability Community

Judge Rules Pennsylvania is Violating ADA for Failure to Provide Equal
Access to Transition Services

4) Announcements and Additional Resources

2011 AoA, CMS, and VA National Grantee Meeting

Fall 2011 White House Internship

SHIFT: An International Juried Exhibition for Artists with Disabilities

New CLASS Resources from AARP

If the link above is not active, please visit to access this week's
_WhAM!_ The text-only version is attached to this email.

Contact the Editor:

To advertise in the Weekly Advocacy Monitor, contact the Editor.